Title I is a federal grant that supplies dollars to schools in order to provide extra services. Students can be identified for extra services in language arts and/or math.
Sweetser Elementary has several Title I programs for eligible students. Students in third and fourth grade that require extra help are in a classroom that has an instructional assistant for half of the school day. This assistant is used to provide extra small group instruction, remediation, and help to the Title I students. The assistant is in the classroom during language arts and math time and helps students understand and be successful.
For students who are identified as needing services for reading, we work to match them to the most appropriate type of instruction. Students work with Mrs. Miller, a licensed teacher, for direct instruction in reading skills.
Students who meet with Mrs. Miller work in a small group every day for 20-25 minutes per session. Mrs. Miller creates lessons geared toward the needs of that particular group of students. They work on fluency, phonics, reading strategies, comprehension skills, and more.
Students are monitored and assessed throughout the year while receiving Title I services. If students are found to be achieving at grade level or above, the child can be dismissed from the Title I services when agreed upon.