Title I: Kindergarten - Second Grade
What is Title I?
Title I is a federally funded program designed to ensure quality education for all eligible students. The Title I program for Oak Hill Schools is intended to provide supplemental (instruction in addition to classroom instruction not in place of) instruction to students in Kindergarten through Grade 2 in the area of reading and/or math.
Who is served by Title I?
Any child who is in academic need may be served by Title I.
How are students selected for Title I services?
Students are selected for Oak Hill School's Title I programs based on a variety of criteria. Data from test scores including mClass, STAR (Grades 1-2), and teacher input provide information concerning student performance levels. The information gathered is then used to determine those students who are in the greatest need of services provided by Title I.
What is the program design at Oak Hill Schools?
Language Arts
All students in grades K-1 receive 140 minutes of reading instruction daily that focuses on the core reading program. 2nd Grade receives 220 minutes daily. This is called Tier I. Tier I consists of daily small group instruction with the classroom teacher at each child's instructional level.
Tier II:
Kindergarten: Students in Kindergarten identified for Title I Reading services will use the Waterford Early Learning computer program. Waterford is a program that works specifically on kindergarten needs and progresses in skills as the child is successful. Students will use this 3-5 times per week, 15 minutes per session.
Grades 1 and 2:
As students qualify for Title I services in grades 1 and 2, they receive 20 additional minutes of small group instruction each day. This takes place in a Guided Reading group within the child's classroom.
**How large are Guided Reading groups and who teaches them?
Groups of 2-6 students are formed based on the results of the information gained through assessments. The small group instruction is planned and taught by a certified teacher. Children work on reading skills and strategies based on their instructional reading level. Students' progress is monitored closely by the classroom teacher and Title I teacher and instruction is modified based on the results. Groups may also change based on student assessments.
Tier III:
Kindergarten: Students needing more intensive services in Kindergarten will receive additional instruction from the classroom Instructional Assistant.
Grades 1 and 2:
Tier III instruction consists of 20-30 additional minutes of individualized instruction. This takes place in the CORE room. Title I students may or may not receive BOTH Tier II and Tier III services at the same time depending on the needs of the child.
Grades Kindergarten - 2nd
Tier I: All students receive daily math instruction within their classroom.
Tier II: Students needing additional math assistance will use the Waterford Early Learning Computer Program in their classroom (Kindergarten) or in the CORE room (grades 1 & 2). Students work individually through this program for 15-20 minutes 3-5 times per week.
Tier III:
Kindergarten: Students needing more intensive services in Kindergarten will receive additional instruction from the classroom Instructional Assistant, classroom teacher, or parents.
Students in 1st and 2nd grade who, based on testing and teaching observation, require more intensive math instruction will work directly with an Instructional assistant in a small group. This instruction will occur 3-5 times per week for 15-20 minutes per session.
Is my child at a disadvantage by missing regular instruction?
Reading and math are priorities in Oak Hill Schools and we work diligently to have all children succeed. Be assured, when your child receives additional services, they will not miss reading or math instruction in the classroom.
What about parent involvement?
Parents are a child's first teacher and a key to their success. Parents are considered to be one of the best resources in helping a child who is experiencing difficulty in school. Every attempt is made to involve parents in the process of educating their child. Parents of children receiving Tier III services will be asked to work with their child each night on activities sent home. Parents are encouraged to call to arrange a visit or parent conference at any time during the year. A parent workshop is held in the spring to support interested parents as they help their child at home. Parent involvement is an important component of Title I.